Company history
Ostroplant BV was born in the summer of 2008 from the many years’ experience in the horticultural sector of Kurt Heyrman (Belgium) and Viviana Valenza (Sicily). Together with some important customers, they have grown the company into a stable player in the Western European market for their employer, assisted by a new colleague since 2011: Stefano Scirè (Sicily).
Hailing from the Marsala area, Viviana chose a name that was familiar to her: OSTRO, a warm southern wind.
Based under the slopes of Mount Etna, the Ostroplant Group guarantees a high standard of quality and excellent service for its partners thanks to the professionalism and love of Mediterranean plants of its team. Our trading company is an expert in the southern Italian plant trade, with specialised dealers throughout Europe.
Thus, Ostroplant is always looking for the best possible logistical solution to bring the ready-for-sale products directly from the grower to the point of sale. Today, Ostroplant is well established in the export of plants from southern Italy to the far north of Europe.